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Sunday, September 17, 2017


Disaster. GusGus knocked something into our 40 gallon fishtank, fouling the water and leading to multiple casualties. Lisa, Smiley, Junie and I are waging an all out effort to capture the survivors, empty the tank, clean it all, and hopefully avoid an extinction event. Why am I on FB then? Cuz my hip started to give way, so I was sent to the bench for a minute. I'll be back in action in a minute

So far the remaining fish are alive and presumably well. Lu and Smiley cut the lawn. Junie and I visited my family and dropped off a turtle necklace the girls bought my Mom at Bay View Bash. YaYa wrote a story for a contest, good voice and setting, initially a smidge weak on plot, but easily corrected. Watched a Law and Order: Criminal Intent marathon. So, not an unproductive day.

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