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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Someone found GusGus!!

EDIT!!!!- Around 8 two amazing people saw my facebook post about our missing fat little kitty, GusGus. They went on a walk by Tenuta's SPECIFICALLY to look for him. Amazing people. They saw him in a driveway and approached him. He ran under the porch but they grabbed him. They called the number listed on the post and called us. We rushed outside and when I saw him I screamed "OMG". Yeah, it scared him and he ran under our neighbors porch. After digging a hole, getting covered in dirt, a bottle of catnip, fishfood, and cat treats, at 8:17 he was placed in our house and immediately plopped on our rug, and cuddled us. The other cats followed him around and smelled him to make sure it was there brother. He ate, drank and purred because he was home. (He'll get a bath soon, he smells like dirt lol) Thank you everyone for your prayers, and support. And TO THE GIRLS WHO FOUND HIM, WE LOVE YOU!!!  


 Our beloved grey and black mackerel tabby escaped our house a couple nights back. We hung up flyers around Bayview; Classic slice, Mobil, and Bp. We've seen miracles about finding pets in this group so we decided to try. He's grey, black with accents of white forming his common mackerel tabby pattern (almost like tiger stripes) and is microchipped. One of his eyes is cloudy as a result of glaucoma and he is heavyset. He is VERY friendly and frankly, is probably happy wherever he is as long as he is being fed lol but our other cats and family miss him. Please work your magic. If you see him please contact 414-XXXX or 414-XXXX


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