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Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Today I was able to experience visiting Auschwitz and Birkenau. 

 It was a memorable and moving experience- although I’ve seen numerous movies, seen photos, and read books about the Holocaust, seeing the camps really was completely different. There is nothing like seeing Auschwitz. There is nothing like seeing Birkenau. Nothing taught in World History class could have moved me like this. 

The massive size of Birkenau alone shows the complete disregard that the Nazis had for human lives. The “bathrooms”, the bunks, the washrooms- they all made sure that the people in the camps were stripped of all of their dignity. They were not treated like human beings, rather like cattle. Visiting Auschwitz, I could horrifically see how downright effective the camps were made to be. It’s terrible how they were made to be that way.

The lack of respect shown by other visitors shows me that we still need to be educated on the events that happened there. There was scratched graffiti on the walls, people bringing young and loud children, and people eating sandwiches on the tour. Straight up blatant disrespect. We need to be educated and respectful on the events of the Holocaust, it is our history. 

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

- YaYa 

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