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Sunday, February 28, 2021

How History Would Have Changed

In May of 1786 a farmer and his three young sons were planting corn on their farm in what was then western Virginia (now KY) when they were attacked by a party of Native Americans.
The father was killed instantly. The oldest boy, age 15, sent one of his brothers to get help from their neighbors, while he himself ran to their cabin for a rifle.
Now armed, the boy was alarmed to see his youngest brother, only 8 years old, being hunted by the war party. Taking aim at a silver pendant around a brave's neck, the boy shot and killed him, allowing his brother the time to escape.
It was a scene that was hardly unusual, occurring thousands of times over the course of this continent's history.
What makes it special is what happened 25 years later. That 8 year old, who so nearly vanished from history that day in VA, would honor the father he saw murdered by giving his own son his late father's name:

Abraham Lincoln. 

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