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Monday, June 19, 2023

Disaster at the Titanic Site

Titan, a five person submersible carrying tourists to the wreck of the Titanic, has gone missing. Both the Canadian and US Coast Guard is involved in the rescue attempt, but the odds . . . well. Let us hope and pray for the best. 

This hits hard because of two reasons: I follow OceanGate, the private company that runs the tours, on social media and have greatly enjoyed their informative YouTube videos of the wreck. Had I the quarter million dollars to spare, I would happily have signed on to a trip about the Titan myself.

The second reason is the unintelligent comments already surfacing  online: the Titanic claims more lives, it serves them right for dishonoring a "gravesite," people need to leave well enough alone, etc. 

The older I get, the more mellow I have become, but the more I am also nauseated by the predictable narrative of your average person. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. 

Anyhow, this isn't about *them* or my personal axe to grind. This is about the five souls that are currently missing two miles beneath the sea. 

May they be found soon, alive and well. 

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