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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Humans Suck

People suck.

Not that you needed reminding of that. 

But I'm sick of folks- even people I follow on social media - cracking jokes about the missing submersible. 5 people are dead or are facing death in the dark 2 miles beneath the sea, and you think it's funny? You think reposting shit meme about it makes you edgy and cool?

Then sir/madam, you ARE the asshole.

Oh, I forgot.  Most of the missing are rich,  so you'll try and disguise your jealousy by framing this as some "victory" of class warfare.

Meanwhile, you'll repost, without irony,  an article about Kendall Jenners dog wearing a cast.

Next you'll complain about all the resources involved in the rescue, as if we as a society don't go all-in whenever there's a rescue operation.  Hell, we send a fire truck and two paramedics just to pick up an old man that falls.  Isn't that what we're SUPPOSED to do, do our best to help people in danger?

[Not to mention the practical experience these situations give both the people and technology involved,  making the next rescue more likely to be successful]

And then the kicker: the fact that even this unique scenario,  with a fact pattern that precludes it ever happening to all but the tiniest sliver of humanity . . . well, by golly,  it wouldn't be right for this to pass without the "me" generation doing their best to make it about themselves and their self induced "trauma."

Serenity now.  Serenity now. 

Here's where I have to keep my thoughts: with the five missing men and the people who love them. 

The jerks online? F em.

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