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Friday, February 2, 2024

Corbin Burnes has been Traded, and the Brewers Executives Suck

I think this trade is horses**t. 

First of all, it isn't a "blockbuster" trade unless you're sitting in Maryland.  In exchange for sending away a 3x All-Star and Cy Young winner, we receive infield prospect Joey Oritz, LH reliever DL Hall, and a throwaway compensation draft pick. 


Now, I do hope that in the years to come I look back on this and say "I was wrong, man those guys worked out for us!" Hall could potentially move into the rotation, Oritz is ranked the 63rd best prospect in the minors, and of course maybe we draft Babe Ruth with that pick. 

Could be. 

It would still be horses**t. 

Milwaukee and its myopic, ever-hopeful, ever-masochistic fans have already chimed in, repeating the script they've read every year:  "By golly, we will miss this player. But ya gotta think long-term. He was gonna leave as a free agent next year and this way we got some VALUE out of him. That's just the way a small market team has to operate dontcha know?"

Again, horses**t. 

That's the same malarkey you heard when the Brewers traded Josh Hader in the midst of a playoff run a couple years back, a move that sucked the life out of the team and left them .watching the playoffs from the couch. 

The ONLY value a player has for a team is the contribution they make towards winning. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a player's trade value as a flesh and blood stock certificate because they are an integral part of you getting a championship and the here and now, not next year, matters. 

It would be swell if Brewers executives understood that concept, because it's been "next year" for all 49 years of my life. 

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