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Thursday, February 29, 2024

This Is Just Sad

I find it hard to believe believe that we exist in a world where people political differences are seen as something worthy of personal division and segregation. 

One of my best friends is a socialist, while another is to the right of me. I doubt a third friend has ever voted. And my late great friend Fred was so far to the right that if he drifted any further that way he'd circumnavigate the globe and wind up on your left.

So what? They're all good Joes.

I know in this era where the self is venerated and identity politics are king,  every opinion in opposition to your own is viewed as evil, dangerous, bigoted, or some combination of the three.  To that I say: grow up.

There are 8 billion people on this Earth with 8 billion different opinions. No matter what Reddit is telling you, your opinion is intrinsically no more valuable than any other. And if you think, at 18 or 20 or 30 or even 50, that your ideas and opinions are infallible, then life's going to do a whole lot of damage to you.

End of sermon.

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