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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

St. Nick's 2016

St Nick's this morning! Our personalized stockings are MIA so the kids were greeted by Christmas gift bags lol. A nice selfie stick for all, socks and undies, makeup for Lu, a phone charger for YaYa, Nintendo DS game for Smiley, and a unicorn calendar and training bras for Junie There are pictures of all the kids, but the older two would kill me if I posted them.

Happy St. Nick's!

 Happy St Nick's ya'll..... Enjoy your goodies 



Monday, December 5, 2016

Make it Make Sense

Re: The Toyota Corolla commercial that advertises lane assist features by showing independent women confidently singing "You Don't Own Me": 

You do realize what you're actually pushing is the idea that the women are inattentive drivers who would crash if not for the intervention of the car, thereby rendering their independence a lie?

Didn't They Notice the Implication?

Re: The Toyota Corolla commercial that advertises lane assist features by showing independent women confidently singing "You Don't Own Me": you do realize what you're actually pushing is the idea that the women are inattentive drivers who would crash if not for the intervention of the car, thereby rendering their independence a lie?

Friday, December 2, 2016

I Miss it

I miss psych


With the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor coming up, I've written a column about my Great Uncle Leo, a survivor of the attack. I just submitted it to the Journal Sentinel, so wish me luck. It's been more than a year since I've been published.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Soooo Frustrating

Jeez there are some ignorant people online. Just read the Constitution once. Argh, better yet, read a contemporary summary of it so it's relatable. Your average Facebook commentor throws out phrases about free speech and their rights with as much accuracy as yelling "Touchdown!" at a baseball game.

I Remember

I loved this as a kid. I'm not sure I ever got anything out of it from 1977 on, but it was nice dreaming.

A Popcorn Genius

Smiley is, without question, the greatest popcorn maker since Orville Reddenbocker himself. Give that boy a pan, a stovetop, and seeds and soon enough you'll have bowls of perfectly popped kernels that taste better than anything you've ever had. The kid has a gift.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Michael "Jim" Delligatti

 The creator of McDonald's iconic Big Mac has died at age 98. RIP. 

Bob Hope at Phu Cat

These are pictures of Bob Hope performing at Phu Cat Airbase in 1968. My Dad was in the audience, but these aren't his pictures; his Vietnam photo album is MIA in their apartment.

A Second YaYa?

I picked up YaYa early from school for an appointment. As per procedure, I called the school, spelled our name, verified my first name and gave my complete address to the woman. Ten minutes later a girl knocked on my car window. It was YaYa - just not MY YaYa. They sent out the wrong kid. When I went in to get it straightened out I wasn't angry (they aren't kindergartners after all) but I did get peeved when they excused it by saying Polish names all look the same. "Is that what you'd tell a Rodriguez when you send out a Gonzalez?" I said.

Some weird coincidences with the other YaYa tho: her Dad's name is Dan, she too goes by Gracie, and she lives on Arthur Ave, the same street I grew up on. "Maybe you ARE my Dad," she said.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Great News!

Thank you Mr. President Elect!

Nutty Knows Nutty

This tells you all you need to know about Castro.

Let It Go

Hillary has decided to join Jill Stein's Quixotic Wisconsin recount.

Has it?

LuLu claims my FB has turned mean spirited and partisan since the election.

The Gym and Thanksgiving Results

Just back from the gym with Smiley. Today was the first time in his life he showered in a public setting, which was a big deal, so props to him. In other health news, I somehow lost 4 pounds Thanksgiving week, which obviously means I have a fatal tapeworm, bc it truly wasn't deserved. I'm nearing, but not at, my lowest weight of this century.

Monday, November 28, 2016

That's a No from Me

Congratulations on beating an equally inept team, falsely raising hopes for the year, and giving Mike McCarthy a chance to stick around and run us into the ground. But, you know, by all means celebrate all over Facebook.

Kudos to OSU

Excellent job by the Ohio State University Emergency Management Team (OSU_EMFP) in immediately notifying students & faculty via social media with the message: "Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College."

Kudos to OSU, in particular for including the word "fight" in their message. May the days of quietly waiting to die - or watching scores of others die - be gone. Run if you can, hide if you must, fight if given the opening.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

It's Not Right

It is. If HRC wants a recount, fine. But a candidate that gets 1%? There should be a law saying only a candidate with a reasonable chance of winning (or getting to that magic funding %) can initiate a recount. Otherwise, you're just sabotaging the process. I have a Constitutional argument too, if you want to get frisky with your comments.

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro is dead.

The media keeps mentioning that Castro's reign outlasted ten US Presidents, as if that's something to be proud of and celebrate. They should celebrate ten peaceful democratic transitions of power. You don't get brownie points for longevity if it's predicated on tyranny and violence. #MSMSucks

Ixfinity is Wrong

There's an Ixfinity commercial where grandparents read a tweet from their granddaughter calling their home "the gates of hell" because they don't have wifi or cable. Naturally they get Ixfinity to make the girl happy and make Christmas grand. Screw that. What is the company seeking to associate with their product? That we must placate rude, selfish kids? Hell no.