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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Substance

Back on Sept 21st, Lisa and I spent the evening at a showing of The Substance. 

Keep in mind this was HER pick, a movie she chose and advocated to see. I had nothing to do with the selection. 

The Substance is a movie about an aging actress, played by Demi Moore, who has been forced out of her television show in favor of a younger woman. Desperate, she signs up for The Substance, a clandestine serum that  creates a younger, atrtractive version of yoursef by literally dividing the host into two bodies. Two bodies, but one person - they muist trade off time each week, one "awake," the other in what amounts to a vegetative coma. 

The younger half, played by Margaret Qualley, quickly lands the role the older half just lost, and rises to instant fame on looks alone. 

It turns out, however, that neither half is very fond of giving up their time out in the world . . . 

* *  * 

Ok, this was gory as hell. 

It's a great movie, don't get me wrong. It's what Lisa and I call an "Oriental" movie - the intellectual art film that you would see play at the iconic Oriental Theatre here. But if you are going to see it (and I think you should) be prepared for lots of  female nudity, blood, guts, gore, and some ridiculously groteseque images. 

No spoiler, but at one point a . . . well, it wasn't a monster, but let's go with that word for convenience - is revealed. Fully nude. It was, by anyone's evaluation, absolutely ludicrous. 

So I said "I've fuc*ed worse."

I do NOT think that was the cause of what followed. I think the imagery alone did it, and my comment was just an irrelevant aside. But at that moment, Lisa started laughing. And laughing. And laughing. And while it did peter to a stop, it resumed in subsequent scenes. 

"Stop it! Act like an adult!," I whispered jokingly, making her laugh harder. 

At one point, perhaps at Lisa, perhaps in solidarity with her, the entire audience was laughing at the movie. 

Here was her review of it: 

We just got out of the movie, The Substance. wow. what a wild ride. It's not for ppl w a weak stomach. idk what I expected but this wasn't it.
But I definitely laughed enough to embarrass Dan

LIke I said, a great movie and worth a watch. Just bring your barf bag if you're squeamish.

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