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Friday, October 11, 2024

Tavern on 6th

Despite it being the 11th of October here in Wisconsin, it is also a sunny, breezy day around 80 degress farrenheit. Just lovely weather. My friend Seth offered to buy me lunch and so we walked down to Tavern on the 6th and dined outside. 

Sorry about the poor photo here, but the sun was uncooperative. I ordered a  plain smashed burger with grilled onions, nothing else. 

I do not know why, or by what magic this came to pass, but the burger was EASILY one of the top 3 or 4 I have ever had in my life. I kid you not.  My word, it was good. 

Despite his penchant for making goofy faces when photographed, Seth chose to go all serious for this one, perhaps in honor of his collegiate sweatshirt. 

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