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Monday, December 26, 2016

Boxing Day 2016

For Boxing Day 2016 #TeamSlap drove down to Seven Bridges nature trail for a hike down to the beach. Why not, with temps in the 40's? Alas, the main trails were closed for the season, and we were limited to the slushy, wet paths along the bluff. Not everyone dressed appropriately and many a shoe was soaked - "I don't know what shoes *you're* wearing," I told the kids, bringing a '90's era inside joke with Ervin Roman into the 2010's. Anyway, I had a blast, and we'll be back in better weather.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Great Looking Offspring

I ain't saying it's *all* my doing, but these are some darn good looking kids.

Midnight Mass

I returned (solo) to listen to the choir concert, then stuck around for some of Midnight Mass. Later, I watched the time delayed Midnight Mass from the Vatican. 

It's a Wonderful LIfe

My favorite movie, and two of my favorite people. Merry Christmas!

If you don't cry during the final scene of It's A Wonderful Life, you lack a soul. #1000viewings1000tears

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

Christmas Eve began with a visit to my parent's place, where a casual drop-in developed into a full blown family get together.

Meanwhile, YaYa was at the Mall with friends, but we all returned in time for a catered dinner of Buca Di Beppo, courtesy of JJ! Then it was off to Mass, where two of YaYa's friends joined us.

Health, Happiness, and Good Fortune!

Team Slap just concluded our Christmas Eve by doing Oplatki. "Health, happiness, and good fortune!"

Christmas Pajamas

LuLu in the pajamas we bought her for Christmas.

YaYa  in the Eeyore pajamas we got her for Christmas.