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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

 Boxing trainer Lou Duva passed away at 94. RIP. 

While waiting with LuLu at a doctor's office today I approached a veteran wearing a hat from the USS Ticonderoga. I guessed his age at seventy and asked about his service in what I presumed was the Vietnam era. It turned out he was 90! and, at 17, was aboard her in 1944 and '45 as a machinist mate.

Woman: "The majority of mass murderers in the US are white males you know. "

Me (shrugs): Is it our fault we're good at stuff?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Adam Slapczynski

 I'm not sure if this is a relative or not. His DOB puts him as a contemporary of my Great-Grandpa - maybe a brother or cousin? (more likely the latter as he shares a name with my Great-Great Grandpa, and is six years junior to my Great-Grandpa). From the web: Adam Slapczynski was born in 1888. He studied mathematics at the University of St. Petersburg. After the outbreak of the revolution he returned with his family to Polish, he taught mathematics in secondary schools. In 1923. He was a teacher in the Gymnasium. John Ĺšniadeckiego in Kielce. Already in 1939. Begins a secret teaching. He was arrested on July 9, 1941 r. After the auditions in Kielce prison, died in a railway carriage in a transport to Auschwitz on August 1, 1941.

After a dinner of Popeyes (his choice) and a small cake, we did our family's Polish blessing on my birthday boy

 I attend class with a 20 year old who is a second year law student. If you don't think that is worthy of near Doogie Howser-ish wonder, then you are a lost cause Sir.

 My Mom, following tradition, called at midnight to Smiley a Happy Birthday. (his other Grandma had wished him a FB Happy Birthday on Sunday.)

Monday, March 6, 2017

 Bucca Di Beppo on Van Buren has closed down

Today is the 181st anniversary of the fall of the Alamo (may its defenders RIP, and Santa Anna burn in hell), the 21st anniversary of my cousin Jon's car accident, and, oh yeah - my niece's 16th birthday! Happy Birthday from Team Slap! We love you!!

[Last night] my husband Dan took me out to a nice Mexican restaurant for a late night dinner. It was delicious and oddly memorable. Not sure why, but grateful none-the-less.

❤ thanks baby xox - LIsa

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Smiley's Party

It was a great birthday party this afternoon. Not bad for the 49th bday party we've thrown as parents. Two hours of fun for everyone, and a double dose of OTC pain meds kept the hip in check enough for me to participate (albeit not without pain). Pics, no doubt, to follow.

 I liked Dubya before it was cool to like Dubya.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

My Thoughts

I'm not against the US aiding the afflicted and lending a hand, but when are these countries going to get their act together? I'm not asking them to provide free WIFI for all, build skyscrapers, or even improve health care access - I'm saying, make sure your citizens are fed. That's been a duty of nation-states for millennia, and decade after decade the same countries fail to do so. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

I guess we were good luck for my Pop!

My Dad was hospitalized for an irregular heartbeat (or rather, a steady rhythm in the 130's). Smiley and I went to visit him and got great news: he was being released. We served as his ride home. (Smiley stopped and tried out the piano at the hospital)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Cat In the Hat Cheese

Today the school is celebrating Dr Seuss's birthday, and so Lisa decorated individual string cheeses as The Cat in the Hat. Junie was very happy to see them. "They're adorable!" she said.


Lisa on her high school trip to England in 1994

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Of course they're a theatrical production. And if I was a politician on the receiving end I'd simply say: you didn't vote for me. You aren't planning on voting for me. You wouldn't vote for me no matter what I do. Soooo. . . F off

A String of Bad Luck

In the last few days the furnace motor has broken, my car broke down and went into the shop, my cell phone screen cracked, and my father went to the hospital.

 "remember you are dust and to dust you shall return" Happy Ash Wednesday  - Lisa


A Drawing by Nick


I'd like to point out that the Hallowed Press, they who insist they are the gatekeepers of freedom, spent 24 hours obsessing over a flubbed line at an awards show, then the next 24 criticising someone for putting her feet on the couch in the Oval Office. #WayToExerciseThatFirstAmedment

Captain Rah

 Captain Rah graces the company birthday board for March! To comply with company policies his ubiquitous sword has been removed and his bare rat legs now modestly covered by leggings.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


 I haven't seen all the Best Picture nominee films yet, but if you think for one second that La-La-Land was in any way, shape, form, or substance, the superior to The Arrival, then you don't deserve to watch another movie this year.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bill Paxton

 RIP. I really enjoyed his work, from Aliens to Big Love.

Rachel Dolezal is Not Doing Well

I forgave her long ago, because she's hot. Apparently, neither White nor Black America agree with me.