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Friday, March 17, 2017

 Frosted Mini Wheats are vastly superior to the Aldi version. The Aldi commercial claiming they are one and the same is a blatant falsehood.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dangerous Nonsense

At today's parent-teacher conference: 

A teacher has created and posted this propaganda for the students that says Islam spread because of "cultural diffusion." Not one mention of their use of the sword, despite the fact that Islam's founder himself led armies. 

This nonsense isn't remotely factual. It's not even an argument that an Islamic scholar would make. 

But then they wrap up the lie with truths, listing the Five Pillars, giving a definition of the Koran etc, so the kids associate all of it with historical fact. 

Thank God my kids have me as a Dad, because who knows how many kids are believing this nonsense.

Me and Junie

I need a haircut. And to lose 75 pounds. Other than that, it's a nice pic.

Just Sayin'

 Just saying... Lisa

Me Right. She Wrong.

At Smiley's parent-teacher conference I corrected the grammar on a poster his teacher made. The teacher stood her ground and said I was wrong, and so I looked it up online, was proven right, and forced a retraction from her.

"Gawd, you are such an obnoxious a--hole," Lisa said, not unkindly.

"Yes," I said. "But I'm an a--hole that was right. Again."

Don't Be in Such a Hurry to Grow Up

Oldest daughter wants to work all summer and I'm making her take days of for two different girl scout camping volunteer opportunities. She's not in agreement, but unlike her I know these lazy days of summer for her are coming to an end sooner then [sic] I'd like to admit. - Lisa

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Little Heaven by Nick Cutter

Horror at its best. Disturbing, emotional, and literate.

The Netherlands

Er, the ruling party in the Netherlands is capitalist, moderately right wing, and won because they took on Turkey. Plus it's a multiparty parliamentary system so the losing parties will still take part in a coalition govt. So all the Leftist rejoicing over their relection, citing it as a rejection of Brexit and populism, seems . . . misplaced.
Enough with ignoring or rewriting history. Andrew Jackson is the father of the Democratic Party and a pivotal and effective President (even if many of his moves are wrong in retrospect). You can't judge a man of 1828 by the mores of 2017.
Estimated two more days of me eating stuffed peppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner because my kids wouldn't eat it when it was made for dinner. I think I'm done cooking. Ramen, canned soup, ravioli, cereal, and pb&j is now on every dinner menu. - lisa

Little Heaven by Nick Cutter


Horror at its best. Disturbing, emotional, and literate.

Lisa's Done Cooking

Estimated two more days of me eating stuffed peppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner because my kids wouldn't eat it when it was made for dinner. I think I'm done cooking. Ramen, canned soup, ravioli, cereal, and pb&j is now on every dinner menu. - Lisa

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

 I preordered the new NKOTB EP last week.

Art by Junie

 Artwork by Junie....I asked "what does it all mean?" She said, "I dunno!" -  Lisa

Monday, March 13, 2017

Lisa's latest work


Falling Snow

It's pretty, but so is a mushroom cloud. Four inches or more in my alley, with 24 hrs of it left to go.


Shoveling out the blizzard

I've shoveled twice today to keep pace with the storm. Once before school with the kids, and by my lonesome at noon. My hip is throbbing. Wanna take bets on how crippled I'll be tomorrow? 😉

No Agua

 So the city decided today to continue their water main break work in the middle of a blizzard. No H2O for #TeamSlap for the next few hours.


I've shoveled twice today to keep pace with the storm. Once before school with the kids, and by my lonesome at noon. My hip is throbbing. Wanna take bets on how crippled I'll be tomorrow?

A St. Patrick's Day Wreath

Lisa's latest work


Water Main work - in a blizzard

 So the city decided today to continue their water main break work in the middle of a blizzard. No H2O for #TeamSlap for the next few hours.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


 The paragraph about the army, corp, and classroom really drove home the point for me. - Lisa

Saturday, March 11, 2017

 I watched the pilot episode of Quantum Leap Friday, and it was better than I remember - and my memories of it were fond. I wonder if it would have done well today; it seems too laid back and nuanced to hold someone's attention in 2017.

The Ghost Ship Festival - 2017

 With my buddy Tre at a diving/underwater archeological convention. Our second time in three years.

Quantum Leap

 I watched the pilot episode of Quantum Leap Friday, and it was better than I remember - and my memories of it were fond. I wonder if it would have done well today; it seems too laid back and nuanced to hold someone's attention in 2017.