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Monday, April 3, 2017

 President Donald J. Trump is donating the first three months of his salary to the National Park Service - $78,333.32.

By law, all existing JFK assassination related documents will be released to the public by October of this year. 40,000 documents are still not fully available, and among them, 3,000 have never been seen by the public. So, if nothing else, make sure you stick around until October.


A fine movie about the events of November 22, 1963, told from the POV of everyone involved save the Kennedy's themselves.

My Thoughts: God, The lack thereof, and a Moral Code

IF there is no God, (whatever form your God may take) then all morality is mere opinion, a fictional creation of no concrete value. You may abide by a moral code, you may even do so to a degree that would shame a believer, but in the end, you are beholden to nothing but secular laws and personal choice, and are free to move the goalpost to suit your needs.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Any Advice?

 Any advice on how to help a kid swallow pills? Lol..... Sounds funny, but really....for my two older daughters, they learned young and [it]wasn't a big deal, but we are really struggling with my 12 y.o. Son. And 9 y.o daughter. I've learned It's really hard for some kids. - Lisa

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

 I took YaYa to this Polish grocer (A&J Deli) to get items for a cultural project at school. Despite the location it was clean, well organized, and worth a visit. The clerk tried to steer me away from this chrzan and onto a milder horseradish, but I didn't listen to her and I'm glad I didn't - it's so mild it barely cleared my sinuses!

That's my YaYa!

 You're right - because he was the 18th President, not the 17th. Andrew Johnson was the 17th. What a stupid error for a published book. Where are the editors?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 new tweezers and nail polish remover is gone again..... I'll go around hairy with jacked polish but I bet I know two teen girls who will have perfect arches and manicures. Ugh..... Frustrated. - Lisa

Nocturnal Animals starring Amy Adams

 Dark in content and at times difficult to watch, I'd still recommend this story of revenge and loss.

The Edge of Seventeen

 A semi-sweet coming of age movie

 Yeahhhhh, if all the chit-chat could stop among my classmates that would be super swell. This ain't MPS kiddies. I'd like to actually hear what's being said in class.

 We got word today that Junie will not be going to College for Kids; completely my fault, as I missed a scheduled payment reminder. Earlier in the year the other three kids were denied b/c their desired classes were full. This, on top of the YMCA Camp denying Smiley a slot b/c they were full by Feb; Camp Silverbrook being off the table for the girls; and the Rec division canceling classes. It's shaping up to be the least-full summer of our parenting career.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Paths of Glory

Rewatching Kirk Douglas and Adolphe Menjou star in this 1957 masterpiece by Stanley Kubrick. It is superb.

Meeting Mayor Barrett

Met the mayor. - YaYa 

Well, Lisa and I were supposed to be taking a painting class every Monday, starting tonight, but the Rec Division has cancelled it. This sucks.

My Blankie

After I picked up some Doctor Who fleece -- heavy on the 11th Doctor, but with some nods to the past -- Lisa was kind enough to make me a tie blanket.  Any imperfections are the result of my help. :)

Sunday, March 26, 2017

 The gift that keeps on giving! Dale C. one of the most recent inductees, Sapphire. A pretty blue Betta, freed from his solitude (so happens Bettas are not happiest alone), who'd have known! - Lisa

The gift that keeps on giving

Dale C. - here's one of the most recent inductees, Sapphire. A pretty blue Betta, freed from his solitude (so happens Bettas are not happiest alone), who'd have known! - Lisa

 Whenever I drop something and stoop to pick it up I half expect to hear the sharp whine of an assassin's bullet passing overhead. Having my life spared by random chance would then begin a heroic quest I'm woefully unqualified to handle and yet, somehow, in the end I triumph. #TrueStory

 Junie and Angelcakes napping this afternoon.

Friday, March 24, 2017


 Yesterday, in addition to oversleeping my first class and being pulled over by the cops, I came home to find a bottle of siracha sauce left out. Annoyed, I grabbed the full bottle and my Neanderthal strength caused it to shoot directly into my eye. It was, I imagine, like being sprayed in the face with pepper spray.

LuLu's 1st Date

 I just drove LuLu to her first date, a showing of the Power Rangers movie. I've met the boy and like him, and I'm proud to see my little girl take a step toward adulthood.

 Just got back from Marquette, where I was all but called a thief by not one but three office workers who couldn't find records of a past transaction and wanted me to pay again. I stood my ground, called out the office manager for implying I was lying, and lo and behold the paperwork was found and i was proven right. It's tiring to live in a world where your options are to roll over or go full as$hole.