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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Aunt Mabel and Cynthia

YaYa and I took my Dad to visit my Great Aunt Mabel and my distant cousin Cynthia. Each was given an Easter wreath my Mom had Melissa Slapczynski construct. My Dad instructed me not to post any pictures on Facebook of our visit with Cynthia (she looks great, he's just a Luddite), but rest assured they exist.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ass Backwards

Some time ago there was a discussion on a Nero Wolfe fanpage about whether or not the phrase "ass backwards" was a typo. Most people, myself included, said it was an old turn of phrase. A moment ago, firm proof of this: my law school professor just called a student's process "ass backwards."

Happy 100th Birthday Beverly Cleary!

“If you don't see the book you want on the shelves, write it.” - Beverly Cleary

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I just finished presenting my last problem in Secured Transactions. For the rest of the semester I get to shut up and enjoy the show. - at Marquette

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Bike Ride on a Spring Day

 On a bike ride with Junie. It's a beautiful day.

When it comes down to Us versus Them, never side with Them. That's true for all people, and all situations. Just ask Fredo.

Now the trick to peace and unity is to make sure you never box people into a corner where all that's left to them is that stark line in the sand.

You have to keep the process open and keep it from getting that far, so that people are free to act for the common good, not just their own interest.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Easter Pancakes at our Church

I expect this will be the last time one of the kids attends an event like this, since it's been years since any of them believed in the Easter Bunny or Santa. We're really just here to support the parish. Oh, and her friend lost a tooth mid meal.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Gorsuch is Confirmed

 I'm at a doctor's office and the staff freaked out when ABC broke in with a Special Report about Gorsuch (they feared it was news of Syria/Russia). I note this only because ABC "broke the news" minutes after I posted about it on Facebook, which in turn was a few minutes after I saw it online. Way to be the vanguard of information ABC.

LuLu is home from DC!


 Possibly the oddest work lunch ever, and I'm not sure it turned out right. But it's yummy and healthy, even if 9 WW Smart Points

Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Picture for YaYa by Junie

 Junie is spending the night in YaYa's room and she drew her this picture. 

100 Years Ago: the US Enters WWI

 100 years ago today the US officially entered WWI, 100 thousand Americans would die in France over the next nineteen months. 

All in all, I don't think we had any business getting involved. It was a fight between monarchies. It should have stayed that way. 

RIP Don Rickles

RIP Don Rickles


Look, I'm a Hawk, and I don't believe in conspiracy theories. But on this, the 100th anniversary of the day we needlessly entered a contest between rival monarchies, PLEASE step back. 400K people have died in the war in Syria, and yet the press would have you believe the death of 90 (by gas) is a bridge too far. Is it a false flag? Is Assad truly to blame? If he is, is it our business to intervene? Do we destroy their Air Force, only to have Russia step in and rebuild them in their image? No. My spidey sense is tingling. STAY OUT

 Nice to see you failed geography CNN.

 LuLu is on her way home!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

My Mom's Birthday

 Me and the Bookends stopped by to pay our respects to my Mom on her birthday. Junie made a card and gift bag, and I gave her a painting I made.

Happy 70th birthday Mom! I tried calling at around midnight but no answer. I love you!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

 It is official. The votes are in. Dean Lemke, the husband of one of the bosses at work, is the Alderman for district 13 [Waukesha] Congratulations!

Lulu sees the VP

 From a conversation with LuLu

LuLu - Pictures from DC with her friend Comet


I find it odd that the same people that argue vigorously for the "benefits" of globalism and open borders, and rail against trade protection, are the exact same people that brag about ONLY buying locally, to the extent of literally listing every local farmer sourced for their salad. Seriously?



It's wonderfully apropos that assassination theorists would see my recent viewings of "11/22/63", "Parkland", and "Jackie" as part of an intentional burst of JFK nostalgia. It is, in truth, just pure coincidence. As for the movie itself - wonderful. Portman nails the part, and the movie carries itself on her dignity and grace the whole way. Rent it.

Monday, April 3, 2017

 President Donald J. Trump is donating the first three months of his salary to the National Park Service - $78,333.32.