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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

This Weekend

Play season over, dance recital x FOUR, two birthday parties, and Smiley's First Communion this weekend. whew!! 

Communion: Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at 10:30 Sunday Mass.

Dance recital: Nathan Hale High School 11601 W. Lincoln Avenue Saturday, May 4th at 1:00pm and 7:00pm Sunday, May 5th at 2:00pm - The only performance we're attending because the only one all 4 will be performing in. Join us 🙂

- Lisa

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Death of the Messiah Volume 2

A couple of days ago I finished Raymond Brown's "The Death of the Messiah, From Gethsemane to the Grave, Volume 2: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels". It is a textual criticism that takes the PN's and dissects the language, translation, textual context, verisimilitude and historicity of each verse. An exhaustive scholarly work of over 1500 pages, I resorted to using multiple colors of highlighters to keep the information straight. It exhausted me mentally, and I am proud to say I finished it. A great work by a great scholar. Grade: A+

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ducks at the Park

A TV kinda day

After a rough Wed, Thurs was pretty good. I spent the morning running errands, then watched "Sale of the Century", "Press Your Luck and "Psych" with Lisa, slept a bit, then walked home from school with Junie (the 3rd walk this week). I watched the newest Dr. Who, then cleaned out a corner of the basement that had taken in water during last weeks flooding here in Milwaukee. Then dinner, an hour nap, and off to work.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An Update on Lu

LuLu went back to school today for the 1st time since her tonsillectomy, but called and asked us to pick her up half an hour ago. Her body isn't handling it as well as YaYa did, but don't get the wrong idea: she's not being mollycoddled and isn't miking it. We'll evaluate the rest of the week as we go.

Fulton Sheen - Quote

“It is not hatred that is wrong, it is hating the wrong thing that is wrong. It is not anger that is wrong, it is being angry at the wrong thing that is wrong. Tell me your enemy, and I will tell you what you are. Tell me your hatred, and I will tell you your character. Do you hate religion? Then your conscience bothers you. Do you hate the wealthy? Then you are avaricious, and you want to be wealthy. Do you hate sin? Then you love God. Do you hate your hate, your selfishness, your quick temper, your wickedness? Then you are a good soul, for ‘if any man come to me… and hate not his own life, he cannot be my disciple’ Luke 14:26” 
- Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Quote of the Day

Lisa:  I'm going to go check  Facebook. 

Me: Why? Don't you want to watch the movie? 

Lisa: Go ahead and start it. I'll only be a minute. I haven't checked Facebook in a week. 

Me: Then you're gonna need more than a minute. I probably have 60 posts on there.

Lisa: Oh, I don't read your stuff.

Me [aghast]: Whattaya mean you don't read my posts? 

Lisa: It's all books and boring junk. I don't want to read that nerdy s**t.