[You'll have to forgive the odd formatting here. I'll master it as the weeks go by. ]
Here's my opponent, the Deerslayers.
Note that Phillip Rivers was his starting QB. As he played in the latter half of the Monday Night Football double-header, I had to wait on his stats. It was a rough first half for him (aka a great one for me) but as LL Cool J says, he went all "Phillip Rivvvers!" in the 4th quarter. But it wasn't enough.
The guy that saved the weekend for me was tight end Zach Miller of Oakland. His unexpected 10.20 points preserved my narrow lead. In the end, it was enough. Final score: Me: 86.06 Deerslayers: 81.28.
The numbers aren't 'final' yet, as stat corrections can still be made, but I'll need to improve next week. My point total would only have won three of the games this week, and I'd have been smoked by some of the front runners. That's not good.

Congrats! :D