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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Mass Shooting at the Local Sikh Temple

JSOnline reporting btwn 8 and 20 shooting victims at an Oak Creek Sikh temple . . .developing

UPDATE: JSOnline reporting up to 30 shooting victims with children being held hostage . . .

UPDATE: Think before you comment: on a post about the temple shooting, with news of 30 dead or wounded, children held hostage, etc . . smack dab in a back and forth of prayers and thoughts of the victims. someone posts that she hopes the guy she just started dating is ok (he works for Oak Creek PD). All respect for the cops on scene and I hope for their safety, but bleep your boyfriend; spend a second thinking about the victims and the kids, *at least* when they are the stated subject at hand.  
update: I see that my reaction itself was an emotional response to the tragedy and off the mark. She had every right to think of those she knew personally. 

UPDATE: js now confirming @ least 7 dead. For those outside Wisconsin, Oak Creek is a Milwaukee suburb near our home.

This is horrible. 

UPDATE: The final numbers were six dead (and the shooter, who killed himself after being shot by police) and 4 wounded (including an officer shot multiple times).  A seventh victim died in 2020 from his head wound after living with partial paralysis for years. 

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