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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Mosque at Ground Zero

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's in good taste, or an idea that should be supported. A mosque at/near ground zero is ridiculous. I don't care who you vote for, it's still RIDICULOUS. I think The President was cowardly in his comments about it, & I'm so sick of the PC bullshit [supporting it]. - Lisa's status, seconded by me.

Yes, yes, we know its legal, that's not the point I was making. it's tasteless....why would they even WANT to build there? I would not want to build a building of my faith where my faith failed so badly, giving the criminals a false sense of honor in killing. The Christian community wouldn't want to build a church on top of Auschwitz, why do they want to build at ground zero unless their motives are not pure of heart.

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