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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Smiley's 1st Reconciliation

Tuesday December 11th was a big day for Smiley, as he had his First Reconciliation (Confession), the immediate precursor to receiving his First Holy Communion.

The ceremony was held at 6 pm in church, so first it was a full day of school followed by dinner. As a treat I did allow him unfettered access to the computer, keeping his sisters at bay until it was time to leave. Smiley decked himself out in his nice white shirt (the same one he wore on Thanksgiving) and a pair of dark pants, and off we went.

On the way into the church we were greeted by his religious ed teacher, who also taught YaYa and Lulu. “Round Three!” Lisa said, getting a warm smile in return.

Fourteen other kids had their First Reconciliation that day. There was a small ceremony, with a gospel reading (Luke 15:7, if memory serves) a short homily and some responsorial questions. Then, one by one, parents walked their kid to the confessional, introduced him to Fr. Spitz (I did the honors, calling Smiley by his first and middle name) and then stepping outside into the hall.

Lisa jokingly tried to listen at the door, but it was no dice.

Smiley had been nervous in the ten minutes before it was his turn, growing anxious and even a little short at the end (he’s a little me), but it went quickly and he emerged quite happy. Really, how could you screw up? Not sin?

We took a photo in the hall, and he was given a button, a certificate, and a candle that we then lit and placed in front of the altar. Less than half an hour later everyone was done, and after chatting briefly with Father Spitz and reclaiming the candle, we headed down to the church hall for cake and punch.

After that we stepped over to Walmart where we bought Smiley a much needed pair of shoes (two, actually, for $15 total) and a pair of pajama’s for him to wear to Pajama Day at school next week. We buy the kid pj’s twice a year, once for Christmas and once for Pajama Day. The rest of the year he sleeps in shorts and a t-shirt, so to my mind it’s a dang fine waste of $10, but such is the price of keeping up with societal expectations.

Congratulations BuddyBuddy! Mom and I are sooooooo proud of you!

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