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Monday, November 17, 2014

Pirate Night!

Pirates night is taken seriously on a Disney Cruise. I’d forgotten all about it in the years since our first visit (just like I’d forgotten about the tradition of decorating your stateroom door), but it all came back in a hurry. People – children, adults, the elderly – walk around in full pirate get-up, and a rash of “Rrrrrr’s” echo around the ship. 

If it wasn’t so much  fun, it’d be crazy. 

We all went for dinner and had a great time. The night before Junie had talked the ears off an elderly gentleman at the table next to us, and so I’d moved her over a seat that night. The elderly man was disappointed, saying he enjoyed her company and that she reminded him of the mischievous character “Eloise”. 

After dinner we dispersed as normal. Say it with me: Smiley to the club, YaYa and LuLu to The Edge, Lisa, Junie and I to the nightly musical. Only that night it wasn’t a musical, but a comedy performance by juggler Max Winfrey. It’s not normally my cup of tea but the guy was HILARIOUS and I’d love to see him again. We had good seats too, sneaking our way down into sole possession of the box seats in the balcony. 

Before the show we’d spent some time on Deck 4 enjoying the sights and sounds of the ocean as Lauren played on the deck. Even by then it was obvious LK was pooped, and by the time the comedy show was over our plans to put her in The Club and go out for some adult time were zapped by the zzz’s of our littlest Slap. 

Meanwhile, Lisa had earlier located the launderette, and so around 11 I picked Smiley up as usual from the club and enlisted his help in doing nearly a weeks worth of dirty, stinking underwear and socks for Team Slap We also took our WDW mugs up to the 11th deck to fill them with soda, which is where I found a midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean on the big screen by the pool.  Smiley and I took a seat in some lounge chairs and lo and behold, here came my two oldest and some of their friends to occupy the rest of the row.

 Eventually YaYa signed off and went to bed, then Smiley petered out and I took him to the stateroom. OJ and I stayed until the end of the movie, then headed back down to bed. 

What a great, great day! Top 100, easy!

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