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Friday, November 7, 2014

Return Day

1. We have arrived in Orlando to find our flight - excuse me, the first leg of our flight - doesn't leave for EIGHT hours. The fee to change the flight is $1800. We can't even check our bags for four hours.  I have four children. This will suck.

2. Screw it. Superdad saw a Hyatt sign in the airport and rented a room for the next eight hours. I dread coming home and checking my bank balance. I may cry. My mortgage company may cry more when I can't pay them. But let those bankers keep my kids at an airport for 8 hrs. Then they'd understand lol

3. Everyone is either asleep or watching Flea Market Flip.

4. I have blisters on my feet and toes. My left ankle hurts and is swollen. My right hip and left knee ache. I have scrapes on my arm, a cut on my hand, bruises on my chest and I'm exhausted. And yes, it was fun.

5. YaYa and I both had our cameras going non-stop throughout the trip, and Lisa pre-paid for Memory Maker, which gets you every professional shot at WDW. Once I lost wifi I stopped supplementing all of the above with phone pics, but fear not: I plan on breaking the internet with all our pics once we're home.

6. Just touched down in Atlanta. Just a note: the last row of a 717 is a noisy place - and no window!

7. Nerves frazzled. We took four kids across a continent and part of an ocean. Who wouldn't be frazzled? Whoever picks us up should bring booze as a welcome home gift! Lol

8. Home safe and sound but the airline lost Lisa's bag.

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