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Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Productive Day

I announced to the family that this would be a day of rest, but I guess it just isn't in us. I watched a quarter of the Packers game, then got twitchy and replaced the fixture in Smiley's closet. That alone was a lot for me, as I suck at home repair, but then I went and cut the lawn, which is a big task with that POS mower. Just when I was literally thinking, "F this. I'm buying a mower tomorrow," the dang thing finally started. Meanwhile, Lisa and Smiley tackled painting Junie's room, completing it just before bedtime. A productive day for Team Slap.

We're repainting room by room because many rooms haven't been repainted since we moved in 8 yrs ago. It's a 120 yr old house, always something to fix, lol. - Lisa

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