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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Free Tuition at MATC

I applaud the MATC program granting free tuition to low income students. Kudos for including an attendance requirement, but jeers for setting the minimum high school GPA at 2.0. If you can't average better than a "C" in high school, then you don't deserve a free ride to college. Unless you're really good at a revenue-generating sport. Then I see your value to the school and I'm cool with it.

It's more than just a technical college now. Either way I'm not asking for the world, just a 2.5 GPA. You can't pull off a B in gym or shop once a year? Please. Statements for the minimum GPA reveals the soft bigotry of low expectations - frankly, I think it was set so low bc they think it'll bring in more minorities, which is a paternalistic and bigoted assumption.

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