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Monday, October 8, 2018

The 13th Doctor

RE: the new Doctor Who. I watched the premiere. Jodie was fine, a bit of an over-actor, but nothing to bash (or praise) there on the basis of  one episode. I liked that they made the  gender change a non-issue so far, treating it like par for the course rather than some SJW  "win." I hope that continues. The story was fine, and I'm glad they didn't trot out any of the tired old baddies, but yo, that wasn't Who. In tone, in cinematography, in deaths,  in the lack of titles, music, and a Tardis, it felt more Torchwood or one of the other spinoffs than proper Who. A new era, a new showrunner at the helm, and apparently a bigger budget - yeah, I get all that - but still. Anyway, I'd grade it a B.

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