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Friday, October 19, 2018

Tom Hooper


Tom Hooper was a mainstay on Channel 6 here in Milwaukee. He hosted the segment "Contact 6" during the news, addressing local consumer compalints and helping people get the refund or product they were entitled to in the first place. His daily segment helped thousands of people directly, and led to changes in the law that helped thousands, if not millions, more. 

My favorite memory was of one of the last times he hosted the segment before he retired in 1999. An elderly woman called complaining that her new garbage dumpster had been delivered with a manufacturing error; the lid woulnd't open. Hooper came out, walked to the far side of the dumpster, and opened it easily; the dumpster worked fine,but it had been put in facing the wrong way. Hooper got the company out to correct the placement. 

RIP to a Milwaukee legend, age 85

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