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Thursday, March 5, 2020

250 Years Ago Today

A quarter of a millenia ago today, British troops faced down an unruly mob of colonials who were angry at Parlimentary abuses. Without question, the soldiers were well disciplined in the face of an aggressive and increasingly bold crowd.

Alas, without orders to do so, the troops opened fire, some of the crowd died, and the somewhat exaggerated title of "The Boston Massacre " was born.

Most people, with good reason, recall rge event as a prelude to revolution.  I prefer to describe it as a triumph of the rule of law. 

Despite the provocations of the crowd, the government consented to put eight of the soldiers on trial for the incident. In turn, despite intense public pressure for convictions, lawyers - among them future Revolutionary and President John Adams - secured six acquittals from the jury. Two men were convicted, but their sentences greatly reduced.

Law - not passion - prevailed. 

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