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Friday, March 6, 2020


I finally got to see this with LuLu the same day I saw IJ.

I'm kinda at a loss in how to review this. I don't think it was a triumph for the DCU, but it wasn't bad.

I just . . .I just have mixed feelings about it. Let's start with the negatives and end on good notes.

1. The Deadpool "break the 4th wall" schtick and the absurd piling on of obscenity and torture at the start felt like a desperate attempt to earn an R rating and be "cool ."

2. The titular "team" is about as weak and dull a collection of B level antiheroes as you could possibly assemble. 

3. Empowerment be damned: not a single male in the film was a decent human. LITERALLY not one. They were all either abusive, lazy, crooked, or predatory. 

4. Last but not least, Harley Quinn just isn't a strong enough character to warrant 2 hours of screentime devoted to her.

Whew. Ok, the good:

1. Robbie is a hell of an actress and raised the level of this film just by her presence.

2. Some of the action scenes were downright fantastic. 

3. Ewan McGregor 

4. Despite it's flaws, it was entertaining. 

Overall, I'd rank it a middling superhero movie but worth a watch.

1 comment:

Estela said...

I think I felt much the same way as you. I enjoyed it, I don't want my money back, but overall if I had not seen the movie, I don't think I would have missed anything.