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Friday, September 9, 2022

30 Years Ago Today

Thirty years ago today Robin Yount notched his 3000th hit with a seventh inning single off Jose Mesa. The game, believe it or not, wasn't even televised! Small market baseball, ladies and gentlemen, was a different breed. 

I was at the game with my sister Katie and I remember jumping to my feet, just like everyone else in County Stadium, and applauding until my hands ached. What a moment!

Later, I picked up a Yount t-shirt for my friend Tre.  He'd asked me to grab one for him in class that morning, and I took it as a sign that our newly reconnected friendship was growing. 

A few weeks later my Dad and I attended a game where Robin was honored by the team with a hardcover book about the accomplishment. Scalpers had bought up the tickets and we had to give away our books to them in exchange for admittance. Why the Brewers allowed this nonsense right in front of their staff still boggles the mind. 

One more fact: unbeknownst to me, my future wife was in attendance at the 3000th hit game too.

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