, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Moonfall

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Tuesday, January 31, 2023



I'm not going to say something snarky like "I'm dumber for having watched this," but I would have when this blog was new. 

The moon, affected by what appears to be an alien life form, breaks its orbit and approaches Earth, causing chaos and disaster around the globe. Two intrepid astronauts - one, of course, stripped of his job and his reputation for having warned the world in the first place - take off on a missiont o save the world. 

I am not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure 95% of this movie was hooey - there is a moon, so they got that right - and if you can't predict every action in the plot then congratulations on watching your very first movie!

That said, it was entertaining enough to pass the time. So it wasn't all bad.

Grade: C 

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