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Saturday, January 14, 2023

NYE Sausage

Here's a great recipe Lisa suggested for New Year's Eve, and man, was it a hit!

You take two rings of one pound smoked kielbasa (turkey if you like, it doesn't matter), and cut them into bite sized circles. 

Add them to a slow cooker with a half cup of brown sugar, 3 cloves of garlic,  red pepper flakes, and add a cup of unsweetened applesauce.  Cook it on high for 3 hours, stirring frequently. 

Now, some notes: 

1,  3 hours is what they said to do online, but nuh-uh. Within 90 minutes it was pretty much done and we had it on "warm" the rest of the day.

2. You must use unsweetened applesauce, but all I had on hand were a pair of "lunch" sized snack packs, so I cut up and added a green apple. In my opinion it added positively to the dish, both in flavor and texture.

3. We added a smidge - and I mean a SMIDGE of a Thai seasoning and it was enough to make it the almost too hot for Lisa. I liked the kick myself. 

Try it yourself!

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