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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Out of My Mind

Back on November 22nd - easy for me to remember, given the JFK connection - Lisa and I sat down to watch Out of My Mind, a Disney+ movie. Based on the YA novel by Sharon M. Draper about Melody, a young, non-verbal teenager with cerebral palsy who tries to navigate life in the 6th grade with the aid of a Medi-Talker, a voice box that translates her writing into speech. 

It is NOT my usual viewing choice, and yet I was the one who strongly advocated for the movie in the month prior. I found the trailer emotional and compelling without sounding too angst ridden, and if I'm being honest it just hit me in the feels. So watch it we did. 

I thought it was great. My summation of the trailer works for the movie as a whole. It was emotional and compelling, and at times broke your heart, but it never made you look down at Melody or treat her as someone to pity. I think the Luke Kirby played the fatigued but loving father wonderfully.  Judith Light, as the overbearing neighbor that the parents find annoying but who is a strong and inspirational advocate to Melody, was surprisingly perfect in the role. 

And of course, all the kudos in the world to actress Phoebe-Rae Taylor, herself affected by cerebral palsy, who did a remarkable job bringing Melody to life. 

I think the film was great. 

Grade: A

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