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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Rickey Henderson

Rickey Henderson,  the all-time stolen base king and 2009 Cooperstown inductee,  has died of pneumonia.  He was 65.

It may be a controversial choice to some,  but if I was to manage a team of MLB's all-time greatest players,  I'd have Henderson at the top of the lineup. 

In my mind,  there was been no greater leadoff hitter in the long history of the sport. 1406 stolen bases. 3,055 hits and 2190 walks.  297 home runs and 510 doubles. 1,115 RBI's to go along with a record 2,295 runs. An OBP of .401 and more than 111 career WAR.

My word. 

I still remember the day in 1982 when he broke the record for most stolen bases in a season,  right here in Milwaukee.  I seem to remember my Dad thought Rickey came off as a pompous here that day,  and maybe he was; sometimes humility takes awhile to catch up with immense talent. 

RIP Rickey. You were spectacular. 

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