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Thursday, December 5, 2024

The December 5th Curse?

If you believe my Mom,  who in the same breath says she's not superstitious,  December 5th is a day my Dad dreads, for fear of his own mortality.  His Mother and Grandfather died on that day in different years,  as did some other family members that may or may not be phantoms created to prop up the tale.

Now, in 50 years,  I *can* remember my Dad expressing his dislike of the day once or twice, and stating he did,  indeed,  have greater concern for his own health when that date pops up. To me,  that seems like a reasonable reaction to the anniversary of a loved one's death,  much less two or more,  and he just enjoys adding a twinge of mystique and drama to the retelling - he's my father after all. 

But you never know.

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