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Thursday, January 26, 2017

This is a lie. I never voted for Dion Tennuci.

 I'm married to a man who can't dance and who voted for Dt, I'm living a nightmare. - Lisa

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

14 Oscar nominations for La La Land?? Really?

14 nominations?? Hollywood really must be on the decline. It was a pleasant little musical that featured below par signing and flat footed dancing (then tried to say the mediocrity was intentional). NO WAY it deserves 14 nods.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Enough with the Hyperbole

 No one was jailed or executed just for protesting Saturday. If he's "literally Hitler" Trump better step up his game.

Crazy Hair Day

 Crazy Hair Day at school!

The Girl on the Train

 As is the case more often than clichés allow, this movie was far better than the book that inspired it.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

An Old Neighbor's Son!

Guess who we saw at Stonefire Pizza Brenda!

A Sad Truth

I think the Packers have become the "Groundhog Day" team of the NFL. They keep repeating the same season over and over. Every year they stubbornly bring Dom Capers back and use their first draft pick on defense. Every year they are one of the youngest and most injured teams in the league. Every year they start out slow and finish strong. Every year they make the playoffs and every year their defense collapses at the most crucial point of the post season. -Jim F

Friday, January 20, 2017

Maybe She Was Right

The press seems to take pride in the relatively low turnout for the inaugural events, but look at stuff like this. My boss, a die-hard Trump supporter from the minute he joined the race, would not go to DC because she feared violence from the Left. Apparently, she wasn't far off.

The 45th President

Congratulations Mr. President! The open and orderly transition of power.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


 If you feel the need to constantly call yourself edgy, I assure you you are not.

My Upcoming trip to India! - YaYa

If you didn't already know, I'm going on a trip to India this winter through Girl Scouts. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity- not to mention that it would be a great experience.

If you feel like contributing to my trip, as little as $1, you can use the link below. I'd really appreciate any help and support. Thank you! 🙂

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


My favorite show as a youngster, although *I* called it "John and Roy" after the names of the two main characters. The first half hour featured the pair responding to a paramedic call (back in the days when paramedics rolled out alone, without the fire truck), and the second half of each show typically had them fighting a fire. 

I loved it. I had a black toy firefighter helmet (with an Emergency! logo if I remember right) and my Little Grandma fashioned an "oxygen tank" to strap on my back from a plastic bread bag stuffed with newspaper and tied with string. Great memories!

The dedicated members of Squad 51 of the Los Angeles County Fire Department's newly created Paramedical Rescue Service take on a series of life-or-death challenges in this drama filmed in semi-documentary style. Partners John Gage and Roy DeSoto put their lives on the line to save people from all sorts of mishaps - IMDB

To the New President

Welcome to Cooperstown!

Tim Raines
Jeff Bagwell
Ivan Rodriguez 

Bagwell was overrated IMO, and Vlad should have got his spot instead. Tim Raines is a borderline selection, and Pudge deserves it, no question. But congrats to all!

My Day

Not a great day. My hip hurts, I'm very tired, my weight has plateaued for yet another week, both George HW and Barbara Bush are hospitalized (prayers for them please), and Marquette finally posted the grades for last semester but they fell short of my expectations. I've had enough of this day.  I'm going to bed.

is OJ Innocent?

This morning I finished watching "Is OJ Innocent?," a three night, six hour docuseries on the Simpson case. Most of it is preposterous and in poor taste, and unreasonably besmirches the reputation of a "suspect" created for the series. But two points of value in this show: they revisit many of the people involved in the case, both the big names and the obscure, and it's great to see them again. And, in the end, they debunk their own theory and exonerate their suspect, so at least they had some shred of integrity.


It's difficult to talk about my issue with this movie without revealing spoilers. Let me leave it at this: the movie hinges on an immoral act. An understandable act, in many ways, but immoral all the same. And rather than make that the focus of the movie, it's merely the midpoint reversal of a plot that adamantly clings to the mistaken notion that it's a romance. I consider this movie a disturbing failure.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

Girl Scout Cookies

 It's that time of the year again, girl scout cookies

🍪. All three girls selling.... We need all the help we can get. Every year we find out after the sale someone was looking for cookies and didn't find a seller, so please spread the word as a personal favor. Also, in case someone wonders, Dan and I don't sell for them other then asking for help on fb. They sell door to door and at multiple cookie booths, and school. The money earned goes to help fund their incredible summer camp experiences and many other areas of scouting. - Lisa

Sunday, January 15, 2017

JImmy Snuka

Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, a WWE superstar from my days as a fan, has died. RIP

My Thoughts

Disclosure of embarrassing information should not be confused with disinformation.

 you know you're from wisconsin when every post on your feed is about the packers.. - YaYa

Saturday, January 14, 2017

RIP Ringling Bros

Whhhhattt?? Oh no, this is legitimately awful news. Score another ill-deserved victory for the animal nuts. Ringling Brothers . . . man, they seemed as eternal as the stars. RIP.

Zoe Saldana Spits Some Truth
