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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Wild Turkeys in the City

As I was driving down 13th St I saw some wild turkeys, and pulled over so LK could snap some pics.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

My Thoughts

I for one am very grateful to science. Without scientists we wouldn't have bombs, missiles, drones, and of course nerve gas. We wouldn't have black men unwillingly injected with syphilis, countless drugs that harm but make a tidy profit, and thousands of mentally ill patients wouldn't have gotten the lobotomies they needed. We wouldn't have the engines that burn oil or the wars over that oil, which of course are fought with the before mentioned missiles, etc. Yup, by golly science is to be worshipped as the peaceful, harmless, not at all profit driven business it clearly is. That said, I'm no nutty anti-science guy. I'm just not going to buy into the cult is all.

RIP Erin Moran

RIP Erin Moran, aka Joanie from Happy Days. She was 56.

This isn't right

Some on the Right are reflexively overreacting to this purported March for Science/Earth Day by literally advocating actions that foul the environment, just out of spite. (see example in pic) Don't be a dumbass. I don't believe in man made climate change but I've always advocated for recycling and sensible environmental actions. It's not political. I just try not to s**t where I eat.

A YaYa Selfie

basic selfie, basic girl- YaYa If that's basic then basic is beautiful! - Lisa


For several weeks now 100.3 has been my go-to over the air radio station in the car. It's 50 minutes of classic oldies every hour. Give it a listen!

I ain't buying it

At a Girl Scout event today all the Moms that failed to get their girls Unicorn Fappucino's (before the promotion ended) tried acting like it was for the sake of nutrition, and not because they didn't kick butt like my baby momma did for her girl. #AintBuyingThatMalarkey

Friday, April 21, 2017

YaYa and Grandma J are seeing this tonight at the high school

Jalapeno McChicken

 I bought this concoction for the two youngest. They love it.

30 years ago today

30 years ago today the Brewers won their 12th straight - earning Wisconsin free hamburgers from George Webb

Jury Duty

I was on a jury for the first time ever this week, and if you watch the news you can probably guess which one. Glad I can't be picked for another for four years, ill need that time to recuperate. Thanks to Dan and my Mom for helping the week go smoothly. #Justiceserved - Lisa

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Grammar Tip

Just a reminder: it's "should have" not "should of" unless as I've often suspected, you're consciously trying to look like a dumba**.

The Unicorn Frappaccino

Lisa bought LK a unicorn frappuccino from Starbucks and made her day!

Who will be the 13th Doctor?

The rumor is Kris Marshall, of the series Death in Paradise, which I adore. I'd be cool with the choice.

The Speed Table

The City has just informed me that a $50,000 road project - the installation of a speed table - has been approved for my street and that we will be assessed accordingly. Utter horseshit this, the boondoggle dream of bitter old people with nothing but time on their hands to complain about non-existent problems. It was "put up for vote" via postcards mailed to each home, and I'm probably the only person under 70 to bother to return it. This is a Republic; I elect an Alderman to *represent* the best interests of this community and to do so even in the face of opposition, not to leave it up to majority/mob rule. *This* is why the electoral college exists at the federal level.

Monday, April 17, 2017

 With my Yankees notching their eighth straight win, I've tuned in to see what the locals are up to.

- watching the Brewers-Cubs game

Our Lenten Sacrifice

This year for Lent, a big sacrifice: I gave up meat completely to show solidarity for Junie's identical pledge (we later amended her obligation to meatless M-W-F's only). Since Ash Wednesday was March 1st, that meant I went 46 days without consuming the flesh of a mammal or fowl, the longest such stretch - by 45 days - since I was on baby food. As I enjoy both vegetables and fish it was not nearly as painful as I feared, and there were only two days that were truly difficult. I had two small pieces of meat yesterday as Lent ended, but I didn't overdo it, and frankly, it wasn't that big of a thrill.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Dinner

Easter dinner was at my parent's apartment. In attendance (besides my parents and siblings) Lisa's Mom, Christopher Gray, my nephew and and his girlfriend Carly, my niece, Team Slap and YaYa's boyfriend Nick. It was relaxing and peaceful, and the weather was grand.

Easter in NYC, 1956

From my mother-in-law

Yesterday I had my Granddaughter, Junie over. And when I went to bed, I found the attached poster on my bed, requesting me to find the seven Easter Eggs. I found all seven and it made my day. Thank you Junie for making my Easter. 

Easter Blessings

 Happy Easter to you all!

Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych!

This Easter morning Team Slap donated a flock of ducks to a family in need somewhere on the globe through Heifer International. The eggs, down, fertilizer, and income stream it provides will be a hand up, not a hand out, and hopefully improve their lives. If you have some cash to spare, please consider donating to this organization.

There are, of course, pics of everyone from this Easter morning, but some folk deemed themselves not camera ready so early in the morn.

Boss: I'm in such a good mood tonight. And there's nothing either of you can do to change that. 

Co-worker: That's sounds like a challenge. 

 Me: Sure does. Give us an hour. We can ruin anyone's happiness.