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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Movies I Think Kick Butt

01. It's a Wonderful Life (40's)
02. The Godfather  (70's)
03. Titanic (90's)
04. The Exorcist (70's)
05. Raiders of the Lost Ark (80's)
06. Back to the Future (80's)
07. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood   (2010's)
08. The Searchers (50's)
09. Ben Hur (50's)
10. Groundhog Day (90's)
11. Terminator (80's)
12. Alien (70's)
13. Let the Right One In (2000's)
14. Jaws (70's)
15. Dirty Dancing (80's)
16. Gunga Din (30's)
17. The Ten Commandments (50's)
18. Grease (70's)
18. The Thin Man (30's)
19. Citizen Kane (40's)
20. The Wizard of Oz (30's)
21. The Hangover (2000's)
22. Nightmare Alley (40's)
23.Psycho (60's)
24. Aliens (80's)
25. Charade (60's)
26. Dodgeball
27. Laura (40's)
28. Ghostbusters (80's)
29. My Man Godfrey (30's)
30. Westworld (70's)
31. Old School
32. Nothing Sacred (30's)
33. Frailty
34. Stir of Echoes 
35. Dune (1984)
36. Bone Tomahawk
37. The Mark of Zorro ('30's)
38. Flying Deuces
39. The Fast and the Furious (franchise)
40.  Rocky 

Monday, July 8, 2024

My Sister Chrissy circa 1980

This was taken at ECEC on S 27th St; the Early Childhood Enrichment Center 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Dream

 Another wild dream last night. 

Both our cars were parked on our slab behind the house. I backed into the alley with my Mazda and boom, this dark sedan zips past me, squeezes dangerously close to Lisa's car, and drives into my backyard. 

Fool, I thought, he can't get out the front, there's no room. Now, this fails to explain how he fit his car through the standard person-sized gate to the backyard, but hey, it was a dream. 

Largely to protect my yard from damage, I went to tell the driver he couldn't get out that way and would have to reverse his steps. 

There were two guys in the car, both heavily bearded, both without mustaches, and creepy as heck. 

In the next instance my front fence was gone, replaced by a solid wall of plywood as much as twelve feet high. I think the car had driven through the old fence, but that memory is dim now.  The car, for sure, was gone. 

And that's all I recall. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


A productive day.  First thing in the morning I went and got some blood work done, then returned and cut the lawn.  These are the rhubarb plants that opposed me:

Smiley attacked (most) of them while I did the lawn,  using a new-to-us mower Lulu got us from a gentleman on Facebook who repairs them and gives them away for free. 

After that,  a shower and a nap. I woke up and went to Mass, then headed to Cedarburg with Lisa. 

We had margaritas and chips at a Mexican restaurant we've been to before, but maaan this time was a miss. No taste,  no flavor,  no Bueno.

Afterwards we hopped across the street to the Rivoli where we caught a showing of The Blue Angels.

Not our normal fare, but the documentary,  while devoid of drama, was interesting enough. Lisa enjoyed it more that I did, and I still grade it a B.

A good and busy day for yours truly.

Keston Hiura is back in the bigs

You might remember that I was a big advocate for former Brewer Keston Hiura. If not,  read about it here.

He signed with the Tigers organization this spring,  fared horribly in their minors, was cut, and picked up by the Angels. 

He caught fire with them, earning some nationwide attention, and finally got the call up he deserved. 

In his first game back in the bigs he went 1 for 3.

Two games in and he's 3 for 8 with a run scored and an RBI.

I'm hoping for the best for him.  Good luck Keston!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Day of Dining

Early in the morning Lisa roasted a large pan of mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes to make a homemade tomato soup, then went out with her Mom. 

Among other errands, they had a slice of pie on the outdoor pie at Small Pie. 

They returned in time for an early dinner that Smiley had prepared at Lisa's suggestion. Thinly sliced and pounded chicken breast, breaded and fried to perfection, over a serving of Caesar salad, with the tomato soup on the side. 

Coincidence: We were told that this was actually the 100th birthday of the Caesar salad, or it's 100th plus a day, too! 

A Dream

I had a dream that co-starred Chad, another lawyer in my office. 

We were together in a parking garage in the old Grand Avenue Mall in MKE. He was wearing a light gray suit and carried a traditional briefcase. In that reality you relied on other people's cars. We waited until a car with three older women pulled into a spot - I think one was a nun, but not wearing a habit - and Chad asked them for the car.  They were willing but hesitant.  I said we'd show them our ID, and once we presented bar cards they happily gave him the keys. They were there for a food tasting and asked for the directions to the glass elevators.  I said I didn't know where the glass ones were but pointed to a bank of elevators nearby and they thanked us and left.  

Then Chad and I were waking through the mall and passed a sports memorabilia store that had, in their window,  a sign saying "Harry Hopper" next to a basketball.  I said he must have been an old Bucks player and Chad, very contemptuously, said "He played for the Bucks LAST year."

That's all I remember.