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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TV NIght

According to media writer Tim Cuprisin, Time Warner is taking reports of cable problems from Milwaukee to Oconomowoc. Here in my house the image keeps freezing and restarting every few seconds, but our main TV is dark. Not good on an AI and Lost night.

AI: A srong night for the women, and I much prefer the terse one hr format to the dragged out 2hr crap. Lacey saved herself this wk, and I think it's obvious Haylie has to go. 2nd elimination is harder to pick this week - maybe Katelyn for her good vocal/no personality performance?

Lost: After last weeks yawner, it was good to see Lost back on track. I'm happy Ben is a good man in the flash-sideways. Note also that on-island he rejected neoLocke/devil?'s offer & been accepted into the (good) group simply by confessing his sins. Jack's transformation has begun as well; on the Black Rock it became clear he is now a man of faith, and a believer in destiny. The lines have been drawn. It's showtime.

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