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Monday, March 26, 2012

Well after midnight I remembered I need to do a load of wash for school, so I was up til maybe 2 or 3. Somewhere in my exhaustion my inherent paranoia kicked in and I became certain, ab-sa-fing-lutely certain that someone had stolen my camera. It was not where I store it (but I often forget to put it there).

So do I calmly say to myself "You're cuckoo" and go to bed, or do I rip apart two different rooms at 2 in the morning, creating a debris pile the height of Mt. Suribachi? You know the answer.

Then, this AM, LuLu says to me: "Dad, do you mind if I borrow your camera for the zoo field trip?" After I explain that it has vanished, she responds. "Oh, well I wanted to charge the battery in case you said yes, so I took it out yesterday. It's in my backpack." @*&%\%#

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