In retrospect it's kind of rude I posted LuLu's birthday pics before Smiley's, given that his was in MARCH, but to be fair that was during me self-imposed exile from Slapinons. Let me make up for that wrong now.
Sometime in February I drove past what was once Allied Pools on 27th and noticed that it had been converted to a Lazer Tag/Go-Kart arena. A few days later Lisa took Smiley to check it out. The place wasn't even open for business until March 1st, but they let him tour and he loved it. Lisa booked the party on the spot.
Now Smiley was/is very into Pokemon, so Lisa went out of her way to may him cupcakes that looked just like Pokemon balls.
Since the place had just opened up they hadn't had time to finish constructing the party room, which sucked. It had a bare concrete floor and smelled mildly like the exhaust from the go-karts. We made do and in the end it was fine; besides, it was the only down point of the whole gig.
It was a small party by design, and Smiley only invited 'close' friends - including two girls.
Soon it was off to play Lazer Tag.
The kids had a blast, and Lisa and YaYa emerged on the winning team, bragging about their prowess. Huh. Big wup. On the next round I joined in as more than a spectator. I grouped my team together before the round, doling out instructions and ending with a team cheer. As soon as the bell rang my platoon followed my orders to a T, taking the high ground (balcony), establishing sniper posts to keep the enemy away from he ramps leading up to us, and attacking en masse anyone persistent enough to make it to our lair.
It was a bloodbath. We destroyed them, leaving some of the kids in tears. I myself, serving under the nickname "Jinx" scored the highest point total, while two of my team rounded off the top three. Booyah!
Then it was time for lunch (subs) and cupcakes
Next were the presents!
We bought him a bank that counted the change as he put it in; the kid had been asking for one forever. We bought one for him for Christmas but lost it before the big day!
He got the obligatory Pokemon stuff
including a homemade beaded Pikachu keychain we bought at a Chinese take out stand :)
Even Ginger made him a present:
As party favors Lisa again looked to Pokemon, using plastic, er, globes with a red base and filling them with trinkets.
After the party ended we took Smiley over to the Go-Kart track in the building and paid for a round. I was a little worried it would all be for naught - he is, shall we say, *not* a daredevil, and cautious to a fault sometimes - but he loved it.
He turned out to be an excellent, if predictably careful, driver.
It was a great party, and a lot of fun. :)
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