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Monday, October 15, 2012

Two Movies and a Sick Lulu

Lisa and I both had the day free, but alas Lu came home sick from school to reduce the day to DVD's and widow shopping for Christmas.

First DVD on our plate: The Letter starring Winona Ryder and James Franco. Pretentiousness, artsy for the sole sake of being artsy, and the story was dull. In addition, a cardinal sin: pointless narration. Why tell me you're dreaming about turtles, while at the same time showing us the dream, *then wake up and tell another character about it*. We didn't even finish the disc. Grade: F

2nd DVD: The Five Year Engagement with Jason Segal and Emily Blunt. It was funny and sweet while at the same time showing relationship problems in a realistic light; Segal can craft a quality script. However, I would say that the last half hour was Hollywood tripe - in the real world the relationship would have ended where it temp. did in the film. Lisa disagreed and liked it start to finish. I grade this romcom a B+

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