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Friday, July 10, 2015

Bernie Sanders

I'm over at a progressive web forum right now where the folks are discussing how their pal Bernie will be taken down; apparently some fear that Clinton is withholding dirt on him for just the right moment. He wrote a near-pornographic essay once, and linked arms with Cuba and the Sandinistas in the ''80's, but these folks drool with adoration over that. Some are bringing up the alleged fraud charges levied against his wife after she ran a college into the ground. Oh, and one guy is pissed that Sanders voted against gun control and says he'll never vote for him now, even tho they agree on everything else. Nothing that really hits me as incredibly useful in a negative sense. Personally, the fact that at the time of the election he'll be a 74 year old dyed-in-the-wool Socialist from an insignificant electoral state would worry me a heck of a lot more.

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