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Monday, May 30, 2016

So the Super Yahtzee game I play with friends has really morphed into a game of its own, distinct from Yahtzee's generic, non-trademarked roots, but certainly under its umbrella. To celebrate this diversity I stole the name of a game my kids invented and have played for eight years, and changed our game to "Rah". I even made a 100 pt category "Hu-Rah", like "hurrah." Alas, today at the bbq I found out from LuLu that their game is actually "Kaa", named after the Kipling snake from "The Jungle Book", and involves whipping their legs around on the trampoline and forcing others to jump or be knocked down. Hmm. "Hu-Kaa" certainly has its uses, but I'm not sure it's appropriate for our dice game.

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