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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


We just got back from YaYa's theatre performance. I know she's my kid, but I'll never lie and say she's a great dancer, a great singer, a great softball player, a great worker, a great . . . well, you get my point. So hear me when I say from the moment she took the stage she OWNED it. Confident, expressive, fully in character and just magnificent. I regret not violating theatre rules and taping the first few scenes, during which my literal thought was "It's like watching Mickey Mantle hit little league pitching." I did damn the rules and tape the last third, but it was more of an ensemble at that point and it doesn't capture the best of her performance. Wow. The kid has gen-u-ine talent. I gotta get busy and get a screenplay produced, and include a role for her when I sell the rights. GREAT JOB!!!!!!

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