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Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Discussion on Race with Junie

Junie (on  seeing a wanted poster of African-American thieves): Dad, I don't understand. I thought white people did all the bad things.

Me: Every color does good, every color does bad. Where'd you hear that sh**?

Junie: At school. They say we had slaves, and that's why black people have to do stuff so it's our fault.

Me: Who are 'they'?

Junie: My friends.

Me: I know you, and I know your friends. You didn't own no slaves, they didn't pick no cotton. You do right or you do wrong, and it's got jack sh*t to do with people dead and buried. Don't listen to them.


There were more questions, and discussion, but it ended when a thief ran out the door with some merchandise, setting off an alarm. A thief, btw, that was not black or white.

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