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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Father Stu

Today Lisa and I went on a double date to see Father Stu, the new movie with Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson.

Based on real events,  it's the story of a former boxer, failed actor, and staunch atheist who initially attends a Catholic church only to woe a devout woman,  but eventually finds himself called to the Priesthood.

It's a movie that doesn't shy away from a sincere depiction of and affection for the Church,  so know that going in. Both Gibson and Wahlberg are staunch Catholics who have atoned for troublesome sins and no doubt empathize with their subject. But unlike typical "Christian" movies, Stu doesn't avoid foul language and sexual innuendo; it was part of Stu, and so it's part of his movie. 

I really liked the movie,  and I was happy to support a positive portrayal of my faith. 

Go see it for yourself. 

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