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Saturday, April 30, 2022

My Thoughts (so far) on the USFL

So far, in its three week history, I've managed to catch the better part of two games and almost the full length of todays Tampa Bay-Houston game. I would have watched the whole thing, but the local station interrupted to spend half an hour talking about a potentially dangerous weather system SW of Milwaukee. If social media is to be believed, I missed a heck of an ending. Certainty the league thought so:
I was excited to hear that a professional, well funded summer football league would add to the available sports mix of my weekends. It's not the NFL, for sure, more the equivalent of watching AAA teams in baseball, but whatever; it's still football. And the game play IS improving, with today's game a doozy.

I'm not a fan of the saturation of mic'd up officials, players, and coaches, all being broadcast in real-time. At some point it stops being information and descends into white noise. You can eventually tune it out, but it grates on you, it really does.

I wish the USFL success and a long tenure. Give it a watch!

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