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Friday, May 13, 2022

Old Time Radio

I've been a lifelong fan of old time radio - comedies, drama, scifi, western - whatever it is, I want to hear it.

As a kid I used to order cassette tapes from a catalog and listen to the Bickersons, Burns and Allen, Orson Welle's famous War of the Worlds broadcast, and the like. I learned what I liked, like Jack Benny and The Shadow, and what I didn't, like Abbott and Costello and Duffy's Tavern (not that there aren't good and bad episodes of each.) 

A few years back I had Sirius XM radio, and binged on old radio on their dedicated station. Alas, that car has come and gone, and it was only recently that I found a good substitute: ABN, the Antioch Broadcasting Network, an all-old time radio internet station I listen to through my Radio Garden app. I listen to my comedy on the way to work, drama on the way home, western and sci-fi when available.

Here's something very neat: the owner tries to schedule shows to play on the anniversary of their original airing. More than once I've heard a Jack Benny show from 75 or 80 years ago on the nose, and brother, unlike some other shows that date themselves, Jack is just as funny in 2022 as he was in 1942, which, he would say, isn't much of a compliment.  :)
The site exists largely through donations alone, and I gladly coughed up a little out of last paycheck to support the endeavor.

Check it out!

* * * * * 

If you want to explore the golden era of radio more deeply, I recommend visiting another site, Old Time Radio Researchers. They have more than 60,000 - yes, 60,000 - radio episodes available for free download. 

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