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Thursday, June 30, 2022

On the Overturning of Roe

Note: I honestly don't know who wrote this, other than it was someone in Team Slap. The writing *sounds* like mine, but gender clues in the text say it was a woman. So??? Did I ghostwrite it for a family member? Did someone else compose it and forget it? I don't know. 

I am emotional about this, and I don't understand why more people, especially women, aren't.  There was a great hubbub when the decision to overturn Roe came down,  but that faded in the face of gas prices and mass shootings. Now it's relegated to a few angry memes impotent posted on Facebook and just add quickly ignored. 

And you know what really should make people angry? That the same politicians who secured our votes for 50 years on the promise of securing Roe never made an effort to codify it into law,  and even more unbelievably, made no effort to do so *even when given a two month warning by the SCOTUS leak*.

So you'll forgive me if your blithe "just change the laws" doesn't inspire confidence.  Yes,  we can elect new stare legislator's, hoping they're more competent than a half century worth of their predecessors.  Maybe.  But that still leaves me wondering why I need to battle, scratch and claw, over numerous election cycles, to secure a basic right that was law all my life - the right to my own body. 

Not everything should be left up to states. I thought that was largely settled 150 years ago,  but I guess not.  If every right was decided at the local level how many states in the South would have  allowed integration? Interracial marriage? Or, from a different direction,  how many states right now would allow you your 2nd Amendment rights if they had a choice? Not California or Hawaii.

So it HAS to be a federal law.  As for amending the Constitution,  good luck getting2/3rds of all state legislatures (or  Congress) to sign off on calling a convention. We're too divided for that,  and in the meantime,  women suffer. 

That's why I'm emotional, and I don't think it's anything to mock or change. 

We SHOULD be mad. 

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